Wooden Tonfa


Wielded in pairs, a tonfa is a traditional Okinawan fighting weapon designed for blocking and striking. Made of a quality hardwood, our tonfas are rounded and taper at the ends. They weigh about 1kg and measure 51cm in length. Sold as a pair!

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Wielded in pairs, a tonfa is a traditional Okinawan fighting weapon designed for blocking and striking. They are wielded in pairs and traditionally made from wood. Though simple in construction and appearance, tonfas are effective offensive or defensive weapons capable of taking down an opponent when in the hands of an experienced fighter. Some believe the tonfa originated in China, while others regard it as a traditional Okinawan fighting weapon from Japan. They are great for performing kata! Made of a quality hardwood, our tonfas are rounded and taper at the ends. They weigh about 1kg and measure 51cm in length. Sold as a pair!
Historically noted as the descendent of the police baton, tonfas are a multi-purpose training aid that are an ideal offensive and defensive weapon in combat. There are three grips when using the tonfa – honte-mochi (natural grip), gyakute-mochi (reverse grip) and tokushu-mochi (special grip).


The natural grip, honte-mochi, is when the handle is held in the hand with the long arm resting along the bottom of the forearm. This provides protection along the forearm and reinforcement for backfist, elbow strikes and punches. When in use, the tonfa can swing out to the gyakute-mochi grip for a strike or thrust. Martial Artists may also flip the tonfa and grab it by the shaft, to perform the tokushu-mochi. This allows the handle to act as a hook in combat, similar to the kama.

Choose from our selection of weights, finishes and materials tailored to a number of ages, weaponry abilities and desired Martial Arts. All tonfa are made to the highest quality and professional standards to ensure you have the training aids you need to enhance and perfect your craft.